Challenge 151 Anything Goes with an option of Fur or Feathers
Welcome back to the IKEsWORLD challenges :) do pop on over to IKEsWORLD to join in the challenge, it is always so much fun and Ike produces the most amazing stamps, everything from off the wall to cute and fluffy :) :) :)

I do like making boxes using my laser and hubby is awesome as although I am pretty good at 2d designing my head gets lost when it comes to 3d stuff. Hubby comes to my rescue and designs my wee boxes for me in the sizes I want. This box is only 5cm so pretty small as I needed a wee design to cut which would use up some of my wood scraps - I hate waste and tend to hang onto bits I guess most other laser folks would throw away (had the same problem with paper ROFL). I used Ike's Bluetit Rowan which I etched onto the lid of the box. Next a bit of an experiment as I coloured the image with watercolour pencils then using a very fine paintbrush blended a bit with water - I have to be super careful with liquid based things I apply to wood (alcohol markers, water colour paint etc.) as there is a tendency to bleed into the grains of the wood. For this small colouring the water colour pencils did their job perfectly. A light coat of spray varnish to finish the project and all done - happy days :) :) :)