
Showing posts with label 🌍IA&S Ch144. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 🌍IA&S Ch144. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Orange & Black

  International Art & Soul, a challenge which has been put together to incorporate any type of craft, paper, wood, flowers, recycling, glass - the world is your oyster :).  Come on over and join us with you artwork :)

Challenge #144
Orange & Black

Our challenge theme 'Orange & Black' has been chosen by Chriss.

I don't do Halloween lol but this design was so cool so had to give it a go.  My lovely daughters don't do Halloween either but there rather like this so have taken it off my hands and between them decided that one will have it one year and then the other the following year hahahaha.
I first treated and painted my 2mm MDF boards in the 3 colours needed.  Next I cut the design out on my laser and then assembled and spray varnished.  Nothing complicated here, just needed a wee bit of time to complete :)